"What does it profit to give God one
thing if he asks of you another?
Consider what it is God wants,
and then do it."
- St. John of the Cross, OCD
Qualifications for entry
- A Catholic who is fully initiated into the Church
- Between the ages of 19 and 35, respectably
- A firm desire for union with God by prayer and service to the Church
- Good psychological and physical health
- Lived chastely for at least 3 years
- Free of dependents and financial debt
- At least 2 years of college or work experience
- Some experience in parish ministry, pastoral work or community service
- U.S. Citizen or legal resident (Green Card)
Discernment tips
- Frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Participate in daily Mass
- Pray daily, in particular the Rosary
- Seek good quality assistance in spiritual direction
- Read the spiritual writings of the Carmelite saints